About Us

The Rossi’s have been farming on Phenix Ave. since the 1950s. In 1981 Cheryl and Ron Rossi had the opportunity to start a small Christmas tree farm on the property. They started with a small number of trees in their backyard and slowly but surely, they made the tree farm what it is today. Every spring we plant a little more than we did the year before.

We plant Fresher Firs, Concolor Fir, White pine, Scotch Pine and Blue Spruce. The trees are planted as small seedlings and grow another 8-12 years. Our customers are allowed to walk the fields searching for a tree of their liking. When you choose one, a crew will come cut and trim your tree. Then the crew will bring your tree to be bailed with netting or brought to your vehicle. There is also precut trees for sale. We will help load your tree and supply string for tying if needed. We also sell an assortment of handmade wreaths made on the farm. Stands, ornaments and other crafts are for sale in our Christmas Tree Shop.

For the 2021 season we will be opening on Friday, November 26th.